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Enterprise Risk and Capital Management

Traditionally, financial institutions' risk management processes have tended to operate independently of their strategic and capital management processes. At QED, we believe that organisations must ensure these disciplines are aligned to maximise their combined value. By incorporating risk management into the strategic and capital management processes, organisations can consider both the risk and capital implications of their business decisions.

Risk Governance and Strategy

We assist our clients with their risk governance and risk strategy requirements.


This includes:
  • Considering risk governance structures

  • Frameworks and policies, as well as regulatory requirements

  • Required controls

  • Reporting systems and processes

Capital Management

We support you in developing a comprehensive capital management framework that covers all components of the capital management strategy and governance, capital management process and capital infrastructure requirements.


This includes:
  • Identifying and managing all your capital supply and capital demand requirements

  • Developing and enhancing capabilities for modelling and projecting regulatory and economic capital requirements

  • Developing tools for measuring capital requirements and performing capital (and return on capital) optimisation techniques

  • Determining internal stress scenarios and the capital requirements under both these and the prescribed stress scenarios

Risk Management

We assist you with all the risk management process components used to manage your quantitative and qualitative risk exposures. This includes designing and enhancing top-down and bottom-up risk appetite processes to enable decision-making, developing risk taxonomies and risk dictionaries to facilitate risk identification and designing risk registers and tools for measuring and monitoring risk exposures.

Regulatory Requirements

We assist clients in:
  • Implementing risk-based regulatory programmes

  • Performing gap analyses against current regulatory requirements

  • Implementing plans for compliance with regulations

  • Developing reporting processes and systems

  • Implementing plans for compliance with regulations

  • Designing and completing ORSAs and financial condition reports (FCRs)


We have also developed several products, including risk digitisation and model risk management, to address needs related to these solutions.

Other Services

  • Asset-liability management

  • ERM in a box

  • ERM health check

  • Combined assurance

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